Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I had a grrreat doctor's appointment today! My NST was so fast, the girls both cooperated and stayed close enough to the monitors but still have the accelerations that they wanted to see and no decels when I was having a contraction! Then I saw the doctor and everything was fine with the exception of my pulse being sky high but that's because of the medicine that I'm on. I should be off of it on Wednesday of next week, yea!! I had my cervix checked and it hasn't changed!!!! I'm still a 2! She wasn't sure of the effacement since she didn't want to be too 'rough' and stir anything up! But I am beyond happy. I am so excited for my doctor appointment on Monday at Maternal Fetal Medicine for the ultrasound...we'll get to see how big these girls are. The doctor seems to think that they're pretty big judging my how much my belly is growing!! I hope so!
Yea for us! I'm just so happy! Hang in there girls--we just have to make it past next Tuesday morning so that I can make sure I vote!!! lol

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