Tuesday, October 28, 2008

GRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :/

Grace and Evan woke up sick today. They both have colds. I'm so frustrated! I cannot be sick. Not right now. For many reasons. First, I'm miserable and uncomfortable ALL the time anyway and cannot sleep so adding being sick to it is just going to make things so much worse. Second, If I end up having these babies in the next few days and am sick, I cannot get two preemies sick. And they won't let anyone with even a cold into the NICU and for good reason. Sooo I won't get to see my babies except through the glass if that should happen. I'm trying not to be overly dramatic about it but it's just hard when all I still have to do is sit/lay in my room and think about things since I am sick of reading, tv stinks, and now don't even have the kids to cuddle with since I want to try to keep my distance from them a little bit even though I think the 'damage' might already be done since I share everything with them and probably already have whatever they have it just hasn't shown up yet.
Uggg...hopefully they'll get over it quickly. Maybe I'll avoid it....who knows.

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