Thursday, October 30, 2008

Just bitching

Nothing really to report except for misery! lol I'm so sore, cannot sleep, can hardly get up from sitting or standing and now I'm getting sick. Grace is sick, Evan is sick, Matt is on his way he says, and I'm sneezing up a storm and just feel yucky. I need selfish prayers that I don't get really sick. I'm trying to not think about it since there's nothing I can do about it but my goodness, could there BE a worse time for me to be sick? I'm days away from trying to deliver two babies vaginally and now I'm going to get sick? What kind of cruel joke is that??? My body is already screaming and now this. UGggg.

I know, I know...bitch bitch bitch. I can't help it. I'm miserable and just feel like my breaking point is nearing.

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