Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Not much happening on the baby-front. We can now see the babies moving from the outside. I keep having dreams that we deliver them and they're a boy and girl instead of 2 girls. I'm 99.9% sure that they are both girls but am going to make them check again on the 12th just to be sure! lol I have officially outgrown almost every pair of maternity shorts I own and have taken to wearing Matt's mesh shorts almost all the time when i'm at home. I think that it won't be long and i'll need to be in a moo-moo. Heck - even Angelina Jolie was wearing moo-like dresses near the end of her pregnancy, designer moo-moo's i'm sure. But I just don't want to buy more maternity clothes. I'm giving away a lot of my things to the church when the donation center is open again in August. I don't want to complain because i'm 'trying' to gain weight, but it's just making me a little upset when I can see a change in my face b/c of the weight. I'm afraid I won't even recognize myself by the end of this pregnancy. And I haven't even start to retain loads of water weight like I did with both Grace and Evan. We're supposed to go to the mountains this weekend, and hope we still can but I think Grace is getting sick. I think this is going to be our last trip for a while. I just hope Grace just has a scratchy throat and it's nothing more than that.

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