Friday, July 4, 2008


I felt one of the babies today from the outside!!! I can't wait until Matt can feel it! He was sleeping this morning since he worked last night so he missed it. I think it was kicking up near my ribcage, I can't imagine arms and hands being that strong this early.

I'm getting more impatient as the days go by for the ultrasound. I know you all are sick of hearing about it but I can't help it. I just want to see that the babies are healthy and happy in there and that my cervix measures nice and long. I'm so scared of preterm labor since I have had it before and the risk is higher since i'm carrying two.

I can't wait for Matt to get up today, I feel like I haven't seen him in days. I kind of haven't. I haven't been sleeping well at night so when he gets up at 1 I go to sleep and then I get up again right when he's ready to walk out the door for work.

It's the 4th of July...only 10 more days until my ultrasound.

1 comment:

chillingurl said...

yay im excited for you. I hope chris is safe on the bike as well. I burned my leg bad on the exust pipe thingy, it hurts!