Saturday, November 1, 2008


I'm so uncomfortable. Since last night I've been cramping and contracting but not enough to call the doctor. I am ready to be done. So ready to be done. I don't think I can take much more of this, physically and emotionally. I'm ready to have a breakdown. I hope that the doctor on Monday gives us encouraging news. I want two big healthy girls and to be told that I can go off of my medicine. I want to be excited about going into labor, not scared to death like I am now. I so much want that moment with the girls right after they're born. I want to be able to hold them both and not have them taken from me to the NICU. It's all still so scary to me and I just want to feel happy and excited. When can I feel that way??

1 comment:

chillingurl said...

I don't want you to be stressed about labor as well, it should be something that is a happy event. Im sure everything will turn out fine. I cant wait! I am planning on seeing the twins as soon as possible. Prob that day, or that weekend! whichever is best for you.
I've been meaning to ask you about the kids sox size. Im planning on getting them some for christmas, but have no idea how kids sox sizes run.Im sure you could always use sox, especially since they are so easily to loose!