Thursday, April 10, 2008

If one more....

If one more person says, "You're going to be busy." In response to this pregnancy i'm going to spit on them. I'm already so sick of hearing it. I'm busy now, I know that i'm going to be busy. And anyway, the people that are telling me that either don't have kids, don't have 3 or more kids, or are so old that they can hardly remember yesterday let alone back when their respective children were young. Ug. I hate comments from people who don't have kids. They act like since they have friends who have kids, or occassionally babysit a child or know someone else who has kids that they know what it's like. Um, sorry, no you don't. I guess i'm just grouchy this morning and I posted about my pregnancy on myspace so I opened myself up for comments from people which I readily admit is my own fault but geez....would a simple congratulations just kill you???

There, I feel better now. Have a good day! Enjoy the 70 degree weather. We're going to try to!

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