Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Maternal Fetal Medicine

I had my MFM appointment this morning and it went really well! Both of the girls look big and healthy! They are each weighing the same still at 2 and a half pounds each!! That is in the 60th percentile for singleton weights so I'm thrilled that they are doing so well! It really does make me feel better about my weight gain knowing that it's going to the girls and making them grow big and strong! My cervix still looks good but again I got a lecture about not doing too much and resting as much as humanly possible and that if I worked outside the home they would make me stop working at this point and blah blah blah...I really am doing the best I can with not doing too much. I found out that Baby A (Madeline) is head down now!!! I pray that she stays that way!! However, Miss Leah how was head down all along is now footling breech...stinker. I pray pray pray that they both turn head down by 32 weeks.

After my appointment at MFM I went and did my 1 hour glucose test. Yuck! I had the Lemon-Lime flavor and it *almost* made me vomit. Literally. I should get the results from that tomorrow. I also am having my blood tested for anemia. It wouldn't surprise me if I was anemic since I was with both Grace and Evan. No biggie though. Just have to take iron supplements in addition to the horse-pill prescription prenatal vitamins I take every night.

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