Tuesday, June 17, 2008

15 weeks...

Here I am at 15 weeks! I'm sooo anxious for our level 2 ultrasound on 7/14! I cannot wait to find out what gender these two little beans are! I am still trying trying trying to gain weight...but to no avail. Matt is out getting me Dairy Queen right now!! I have a regular OB appt on the 30th of this month and can't wait to hear the heartbeats again. I love that sound. I'm a little nervous to be "turned" over to Maternal Fetal Medicine. It was such a scary thing with Grace when we went there but this time it's different and I just have to keep telling myself that. Nothing much to report, just a lot of pulling and tugging pains from growing so fast. I feel more like i'm 28-30 weeks pregnant as opposed to 15. I'm still a little in shock about really having twins but am getting so so so excited!!!

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