I haven't bought anything for the twins yet with the exception of 2 onesies that we used to tell Matt's Mom that we were having twins. I don't know what i'm waiting for. Well, I guess i'm kind of waiting for our level 2 ultrasound on my birthday just to make sure everything looks ok which i'm sure it will. I guess part of the reason that I haven't bought anything is because when we decided to get pregnant again we talked about how we wouldn't really need to buy anything new since we have a boy and a girl and have all of the "big" things already. I guess i've pushed out of my head the fact that we DO need all of the big things. We are basically starting over again. We need a 2nd high chair, bouncy seat, a swing since we sold the other one (didn't use it much but I think we might find it useful since we're going to have 4 kids to deal with and I only have 2 hands. I could go on and on. I want to start stocking up on diapers since we're going to have 3 kids in diapers instead of just 2 which we're accustom to already since Grace hasn't been potty trained that long. I was just going to continue buying diapers so we don't get "out of the habit" of spending that extra money. We need a second car seat and car seat cover since it's going to be winter when they come. Not to mention clothes. I mean, yes we have a boy and a girl now but a lot of the infant clothes from Grace got thrown away since she had such bad reflux and Evan was born in April so most of his things are out of season/size. On top of this stuff, we're going to attempt to finish the attic for more space since we have no clue as to where we want to move to, not to mention the fact that we don't have a large enough down payment saved for the type of house we want to purchase. We have thought about a lease to buy thing but am a little leary of that. I also don't want to sell our house and take a hit on it since the housing market sucks so bad right now. We are just trying to stay put in this shit town until we just can't stand it anymore. I like my house, I just don't like the town. Like I always say about our home purchase, we bought it b/c Matt was at Walter and Jackson making crap and we wanted me to be able to stay home with the kids and this is what we could afford. Little did we know that a few short months later he would get the job at Valero and things would change drastically. Had we known then what we know now...
I'm trying to organize the dining room more. We have decided that we are going to make it strictly a play room. We're going to remove the hutch and sewing table and make it more useful to our needs. I really don't care what people think of it, We're going to have 4 kids age 3 and under, we need room for their things! I bought the play table for in there and want to get a low bookshelf for in there also I just need to save the money for it. It's also from Pottery Barn outlet. I am loving that place right now. The furniture is amazing and it's sooo cheap.
I've gone on and on enough already, i'll stop now.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Last minute dr appt
I had to go to the doctor today for some "issues" i'm having. I won't bore the "general blog reading public"...but the dr told me that I need to force more fluids, eat more, try to keep down my prenatal vitamins and REST. Umm...yea, I have 2 toddlers at home. I cannot rest. They don't know the meaning of the word rest and I certainly can't not lift Evan. He sleeps in a crib for goodness sake. Arggg.. I'm also supposed to buy this maternity belt support thing. I'm only 15 weeks for goodness sake. Oh--and AGAIN today the dr made mention of triplets. SOOO not funny. She thought she heard another heartbeat but then shrugged it off as an echo of baby a's heartbeat. I can't wait for my ultrasound. I guess the whole point of this blog and the dr appt is that I am supposed to take better care of myself. I'll try. I want healthy babies. I did gain almost 3 lbs.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
15 weeks...
Here I am at 15 weeks! I'm sooo anxious for our level 2 ultrasound on 7/14! I cannot wait to find out what gender these two little beans are! I am still trying trying trying to gain weight...but to no avail. Matt is out getting me Dairy Queen right now!! I have a regular OB appt on the 30th of this month and can't wait to hear the heartbeats again. I love that sound. I'm a little nervous to be "turned" over to Maternal Fetal Medicine. It was such a scary thing with Grace when we went there but this time it's different and I just have to keep telling myself that. Nothing much to report, just a lot of pulling and tugging pains from growing so fast. I feel more like i'm 28-30 weeks pregnant as opposed to 15. I'm still a little in shock about really having twins but am getting so so so excited!!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008

I cut Evan's hair last night with the #3 clipper attachment. It looked good, nothing fancy, just needed a little trim. Then it was off to tub, and pj's and bedtime. I was exhausted so I just crawled into bed right after the kids. Well, I left the clippers right on the table, plugged in and everything. I had taken the attachment off and wiped the hair off but just left them sitting there. Good move Mommy...Well I put Evan in his chair with a snack and left Grace walking around in the kitchen while I went to the potty for 2 minutes...She "helped Mommy cut Evan's hair". It's down to his scalp. Oops. I really think i'm up for the Mother of the Year award this time. SO now it's off to shave his head with the #1 and hope it looks somewhat OK!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
I'm 14 weeks this week and am hoping this second trimester goes rather quickly. I cannot wait for my ultrasound in a few weeks! It will be the best birthday present. We think we have chosen names for the twins IF they're boy/girl. We are pretty much screwed if they're girl/girl in regards to names. I have been feeling pretty good lately, with the exception of swelling a bit with this heat and humidity. I have BIG news for Miss Grace that I will post on the other blog!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Dr appt
I went to the dr today and it was pretty uneventful. I lost 2 more lbs even though I feel like i'm eating everything in sight so that has me pretty bummed. Also, I won't be getting my big ultrasound until my birthday, July 14. I'm upset about it but what can you do?! It could have been a week or so sooner but Matt's schedule sucks so bad sometimes that we couldn't find a day to make it work so 7/14 it is. I'll be 19+ weeks by then. The ultrasound itself is 1 and half hours long!! But we will get immediate feedback on the results and find out the genders hopefully. I can occassionally feel the babies moving so that has me happy! Nothing else to report...I'm just exhausted tonight. It's 7:30, Matt's already asleep and i'm not far behind.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Matt and I are still thinking about names. We still love Connor and now are considering Cassidy for a girl. The only thing we don't like is that if the twins are boy/girl, we don't like that the names are kind of "matchy". Connor and Cassidy. kwim? We like the name Grant for a boy. However we know someone who has two boys names Grant and Evan. But that really doesn't bother me since he's just an aquaintance and his boys are 12 and 14 or so. I have a dr appt tomorrow and hope to get an ultrasound... there would be a chance to find out the gender if we had an ultrasound! But I think the only way that would happen would be if we couldn't get the babies heartbeats on doppler and that would just be way too scary so no thanks! I'll update after my appointment and dinner out alone with Matt!!! Now I just have to pick the restaurant! Hmmm.....
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Nothing much
We've passed the 12 week mark now and that felt pretty good. I'm starting to feel better and eat a lot more! I can feel the weight gain coming on! I majorly overdid it yesterday and paid dearly for it. Cramping and braxton hicks all night and still some thing morning...even a little pressure. Trying not to worry. I have to keep telling myself that I may be 12 weeks with twins but it's the same as over 20 weeks with a single...so I need to SLOW down! Yesterday was a HUGE wake up call for me. Nothing else much to say, waiting not so patiently for my dr appt on Friday that Matt gets to go to, YEA!
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