Monday, May 12, 2008

small update on a big belly

There's not much new to report. I'm starting to have some good days mixed in with the bad so there's hope that I should be feeling better soon! I'm still really tired. My stomach is growing so rapidly that it hurts to just wear pants. My skin hurts and my muscles hurt. I am still anxiously awaiting our next dr appt on the 22nd. I just want to hear the heartbeats. I *think* I can feel the babies moving every now and then but I'm still not sure. I keep thinking that it's still too early even though other twin mommies say that they can feel them this early also. If I remember I'm going to have Matt take another belly picture tonight. I feel like I grew in the last week so I want to compare. I'm trying to wait until after the first trimester to start buying things for the babies but it's so hard. It really does feel like we're having our first baby since we need to buy one of everything new. I think we need to buy 2 new infant car seats for these little ones. The one we used with Evan is not working properly anymore. The handle just doesn't quite slide back and forth.

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