Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sign me up

I've been researching twin pregnancy and delivery and decisions we may have to make. I've come across many pictures of women pregnant with twins. I now have already called to make my appointment for my tummy tuck. Holy &#*$!!! I'm going to look like a train wreck when i'm done with this pregnancy. To say that i'm not a little upset and depressed about it would be a lie. I know that it's not about how I look but that I have 2 great healthy little babies....but it's just hard. I feel like i've faired ok with my other 2 pregnancies, only carrying over less than 10 lbs total. Sure, my body shape has changed but I knew that would happen. I feel like there's almost no hope of escaping this pregnancy without stretch marks, which I was happy to pretty much escape during my first 2 pregnancies. I know, I should just be happy that i'm pregnant and feel blessed that we're having's just me being selfish, that's all. Don't flame me for it. It's just what was on my mind this morning. It didn't help that a Baby Story was on with a woman the size of a 747 pregnant with twins that got me thinking about it even more. lol

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