Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I know that i've mentioned this before but I am just so jittery about having tests done when i'm pregnant. I will never ever forget how we felt when we got bad news when I was pregnant with Grace. I know that I should be just fine with everything since everything worked out fine in the end with her but I guess it's just the fear and understanding that literally everything can change in an instant. I've been spotting for weeks now and finally am getting an u/s to check on the babies. I'm so nervous. I'm literally unable to sit still and have to wait until after lunch for the appt. Not only that, i'm not allowed to take the kids with me to the appt and Matt is working so my Dad is coming with me to sit with the kids while i'm in the appt. I'm scared they're going to be bad for him since it's their nap time when I have my appt. I hope that they will just watch the dvd player in the car.

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