Nothing much new has come up but thought I would write a short blog anyway. I am 12 weeks, finally! I am slowly feeling more human so i'm excited about that. I'm still really really tired and nap almost every day when the kids nap. I'm lucky that I can do that. My belly is growing rapidly! It's pretty shocking. I have another dr appt on June 6th. I think i'll be scheduling my big ultrasound at that appt. I should have it around 18 weeks.
In other baby news, our friends TJ & Molly had their baby boy on Monday! They named him Colin Michael. We are going to go and visit them tomorrow at the hospital. I can't wait!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Dr appt
We had another dr appointment today. We tried to hear the heartbeats and think that we heard both babies but can't be sure. We heard heartbeats all over my stomach so the doc is pretty sure that we got to hear both. I still wish we could have that reassuring u/s to make sure everything is ok but May Grant seems anti-u/s. A lot of the other women on my board that I talk to that are pregnant with twins get an u/s at every visit so that they get an accurate measurement of the heartbeats. I hope that that becomes the way we are. We did get kind of blindsided by the dr about the nuchal tests. We turned down the quad screen for Grace and Evan and did for this baby also. However I didn't know much about the nuchal test until she sprung it on us today and that we have to decide withing 2 days b/c it can only be done between 11-13 weeks and the blood work that goes with the u/s has to be taken a week apart and i'm 11 weeks 1 day now. We still aren't positive what we are going to do but we're leaning towards not doing the test due to the rate of a false positive. I'm going to try to research it a little more.
That's about it for now...Oh-- I did gain 1.2 lbs so that's good since I'm still down from my pre-pregnancy weight. I have a lot of eating to do between now and 24 weeks!!!
That's about it for now...Oh-- I did gain 1.2 lbs so that's good since I'm still down from my pre-pregnancy weight. I have a lot of eating to do between now and 24 weeks!!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Name game....
I am part of a Multiples message board and a lot of women are finding out the sexes of their twins btwn 13 - 16 weeks so that's coming up quickly for us. We only have one name that we are definite about and that is Connor. We have some other names that we are "throwing around" but still can't seem to decide. We are considering Nora, Quinn, Lily, Addison, and Taylor. We would like to be able to name the babies once we find out the sexes since I hate calling them "the twins" or Baby A and Baby B.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Baby Baby!

The ultrasound went amazing! I can't even describe how awesome it was. The babies look great! Baby A is measuring 10w4days and had a heartrate of 140, baby B is measuring 10w2days and had a heartrate of 167. Baby B was moving and shaking all over the place! They look so amazing! I can't wait for the next glimpse of them, and can't wait to see the look on Matt's face when he gets to see them. Here is a blurry picture of them in 3d. They baby on the left is head down with feet in the air and the one on the right is head up, feet down. The baby on the left is baby B and on the right is Baby A.
I know that i've mentioned this before but I am just so jittery about having tests done when i'm pregnant. I will never ever forget how we felt when we got bad news when I was pregnant with Grace. I know that I should be just fine with everything since everything worked out fine in the end with her but I guess it's just the fear and understanding that literally everything can change in an instant. I've been spotting for weeks now and finally am getting an u/s to check on the babies. I'm so nervous. I'm literally unable to sit still and have to wait until after lunch for the appt. Not only that, i'm not allowed to take the kids with me to the appt and Matt is working so my Dad is coming with me to sit with the kids while i'm in the appt. I'm scared they're going to be bad for him since it's their nap time when I have my appt. I hope that they will just watch the dvd player in the car.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
I have an ultrasound tomorrow. I'm excited and very very very nervous. I'll update tomorrow afternoon. The appt is at 1:25.
Monday, May 12, 2008
small update on a big belly
There's not much new to report. I'm starting to have some good days mixed in with the bad so there's hope that I should be feeling better soon! I'm still really tired. My stomach is growing so rapidly that it hurts to just wear pants. My skin hurts and my muscles hurt. I am still anxiously awaiting our next dr appt on the 22nd. I just want to hear the heartbeats. I *think* I can feel the babies moving every now and then but I'm still not sure. I keep thinking that it's still too early even though other twin mommies say that they can feel them this early also. If I remember I'm going to have Matt take another belly picture tonight. I feel like I grew in the last week so I want to compare. I'm trying to wait until after the first trimester to start buying things for the babies but it's so hard. It really does feel like we're having our first baby since we need to buy one of everything new. I think we need to buy 2 new infant car seats for these little ones. The one we used with Evan is not working properly anymore. The handle just doesn't quite slide back and forth.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Sign me up
I've been researching twin pregnancy and delivery and decisions we may have to make. I've come across many pictures of women pregnant with twins. I now have already called to make my appointment for my tummy tuck. Holy &#*$!!! I'm going to look like a train wreck when i'm done with this pregnancy. To say that i'm not a little upset and depressed about it would be a lie. I know that it's not about how I look but that I have 2 great healthy little babies....but it's just hard. I feel like i've faired ok with my other 2 pregnancies, only carrying over less than 10 lbs total. Sure, my body shape has changed but I knew that would happen. I feel like there's almost no hope of escaping this pregnancy without stretch marks, which I was happy to pretty much escape during my first 2 pregnancies. I know, I should just be happy that i'm pregnant and feel blessed that we're having's just me being selfish, that's all. Don't flame me for it. It's just what was on my mind this morning. It didn't help that a Baby Story was on with a woman the size of a 747 pregnant with twins that got me thinking about it even more. lol
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
I'm tired. Just plain exhausted. All the time. I'm getting so frustrated with it. I have been napping every day when the kids nap, which is helpful for my body and the babies, but my house is just a disaster. We may be having company this weekend and I don't even know where to start. There are toys everywhere, clothes in piles in bedrooms, piles of laundry waiting to be done. I have to scrub the floors and dust really well. I just am too lazy. I can't wait until this part of the pregnancy is over! I want some energy back!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Oh Baby....
Matt took this picture of me yesterday at 9 weeks. And to think that i've actually lost, i'm going to be HUGE! Not much else to report, i'm 'starting' to feel a little better now. I'm not as sick, I've actually been keeping whole meals down. Hopefully this is the beginning of the end to this whole-day sickness thing.
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